Friday, July 31, 2009

Scavenger Hunt

So for my final St. Louis blog post, I thought i'd let you know how good I did on my journey to get a picture of a fan of every team...

This was actually a lot harder than I imagined it would be, plus at times when I saw someone with apparel of some of the more uncommon teams, it would be at a very inconvenient time to take a picture. Well, let's see how i did..




Dodgers (he did roids)

Astros (hard to see but there's a hat in the middle)


Rays (so he must have been a fan for a little over a year now...)

Red Sawks


Holy Cow! lolz! Expos!

Yeah Baltimore!


Nationals (Yes folks, that's a Ryan Zimmerman jersey.)



Hehe, White Sox


Mariners (kid with black hat and black shirt on the left... hard to see, but its a Mariners hat)

Cubs (hat)

Phillies and Yankees (i'm told he is a Yankees fan, despite the completely neutral attire)

Not pictured but seen: Angels, Giants, Padres, Brewers, (other Phillies/Yankees fans), Twins, Tigers.

That means, I saw every team except: Diamondbacks, Blue Jays, and Indians. 27/30 ain't bad.

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