Monday, August 3, 2009

Things I’d Rather Do than Go to Work

Well I have to leave for work in about an hour, and I really REALLY do not feel like going. Since I REALLY don’t feel like going and/or moving from my computer, I will now come up with 20 random things that I would rather do than go to work tonight. And if you know me at all, you’ll know that these things that I will come up with are already things I try to avoid on a daily basis... but hey, I’d take them all over going to work…

1. Intentionally fall down the stairs

2. Look at my fantasy baseball standings

3. Hit up redtube and search “guy on guy”

4. Watch Ryan Howard strike out 4 times in a game

5. Drive all the way to work, fake an injury as soon as I get there, leave to go to the hospital, and drive back home

6. Hump a midget

7. Duct tape my feet together, walk/hop 1.5 miles to Wawa, order a turkey shorti, and hop back

8. Purchase something from the Loyola Bookstore

9. Watch a Dancing with the Stars marathon

10. Get hit in the nuts by Sarah Reback or Brett Biggs

11. Deal with a 3 hour hangover

12. Deal with a 3 hour class taught by Rockefeller

13. Click this link:

14. Drink an entire fifth in one day

15. Listen to every Fall Out Boy song released one after another

16. Wash my car in a thong in front of the neighbors

17. Watch the entire Vida Chronicles

18. “Go get the controller…”

19. Go to the post office and mail a letter to myself

20. Think of 20 things that I’d rather do than go to work and write about it in my blog.

1 comment:

  1. hahah I havent checked on your blog in awhile and I was thinking- hmm i wonder if romo pasted any of his funny lists- so i click and find two lists (one of which i have yet to read)! you can imagine my excitement in this finding. haha. are my comments on your list
    (6) hump a midget- that would be very interesting to say the least
    (7) i would pay money to see you hop to wawa with your feet duck taped
    (8) purchasing something from the loyola bookstore would require you to have at least 200 dollars on hand so i hope you would come prepared
    (12) i think joe told me about this guy and how much he disliked him
    (14) like you havent done this before? halloween 08? but i think that was the jungle juice that did it. i dunno. but all i do know is that you probably have done this haha
    (16) i would also pay money to see this
