Wednesday, November 18, 2009

15 Things I Would Rather Do Than This Paper

-procrastination at its finest-

1. Cash the check that Klein gave me. Yup.

2. Find out why my air conditioning also doubles as a bug zapper.

3. Creepily facebook chat EVERY ONE of my facebook friends.

4. Blog. Apparently.

5. Search to see if the men’s basketball team won. (they did)

6. Watch Sixers’ highlights.

7. Use up two three of these 15 things about basketball.

8. Surf. Just being honest.

9. Hit Rob with a slingshot.

10. Fill up Andy’s 72oz bottle with any type of beverage, (save for eggnog, coffee, and that Gatorade Ice that was purplish not exactly sure what flavor they were going for with it – don’t think it was exactly grape – might have had some grape to it but I think there was more to it than just that – bottom line is it wasn’t that good and I don’t think that it’s still around anymore) and chug.

11. Cardio.

12. Pickup sticks.

13. Pogs.

14. Checkers.

15. Make another one of these and eat all of it this time.


  1. I have 16 dollars in my wallet and too lazy to go to the ATM. A check is just as good as cash and you use the same bank its drawn on. Watch out, I'll wire you the money next time
