Thursday, September 24, 2009

Things I Can Do Without, Part 2

I haven’t bitched in a while… so I guess for health purposes I should let out some steam… Here's 20 more of everyone's favorite Romo writings...

1. People not covering their mouth when they sneeze/cough in class. Seriuosly? I don’t have time for the swine flu. I have better things to do. Like clean out my sock drawer...

2. My sleep schedule. So dumbass signs up for a Mon, Wed, Friday 8am class then follows it up with a 10am, so it’s not even like I can nap after my 8am is over. Oh no. I go right back at it after one hour of television/MLB the Show/the homework I shoulda did the previous night/Reese’s Puffs then off to class…

3. The new Primo’s. I got an idea, let’s get rid of half the stuff we used to sell, put tables in the middle of everyone’s way, hand out portions that are for elves or midgets (I imagine midgets don’t eat much…?), and make everyone pay when they enter for the not at all outrageous price of… hmm… 12 bucks. Sounds like a winner.

4. Facebook statuses about sports teams from people who should not be making facebook statuses about sports teams. “GIANTS!!!” “JETER!!” "Ravens!!!<3" "Patriots!! OMG BRADY" All of these were written by people who have no idea what their talking about. As a new rule, you should not be allowed to post a status about a sports team unless you can pass this simple test:

a. Are you a woman? (if yes, continue... if no, you pass)
b. Can you name 5 players on the team (3 if basketball)? (if no, continue... if yes, you pass)
c. Can you somehow get me tickets to this team's next game because someone in your family has connections? (if yes, you pass and by all means write whatever the hell you want. if no, you cannot write a sports status...)

5. Skype. Ok, to quote McLovin, “I like the idea of it more than I actually like it.” It’s a cool idea, but every f***in time, someone’s microphone cuts out, or the camera gets fuzzy, or someone sees their boyfriend cheating in a distant country… sigh.

6. Brad Lidge sucking. Last year = 41/41. This year = 11 blown saves. Not exactly what we’re looking for there, Bradley…

7. Payroll screwing up. Yeah, so like… I’ve worked for like, over 3 weeks now… and, yeah, I kinda don’t have a paycheck yet. What’s that? Oh. I’m not gonna get one for another two whole weeks?? … Um. Yeahh. That’s kinda a little bit.. not right.

8. Pearl Jam fans bitching that the new album isn’t good. Really, we’re gonna compare every album to Ten…? That’s like comparing every Michael Jackson album to Thriller. Or every basketball player to Michael Jordan. The fact is it’s them embracing what they are now and not trying to be what they were in 1991.

9. The awkward morning altercation. (Scene starts) Oh god there he/she is, ok, look the other way first, glance at something lets see how bout my watch, sh*t im not wearing a watch but I’ll look there anyway, ok check my cell in case someone texted me on the way to 10am class, ok now sneak a quick look to see if he/she’s looking at me, k now quickly look further to the same direction… sh*t didn’t get enough a long enough look to process a vibe. I’m gonna look again. Oh crap he/she was looking right at me, instincts tell me to look away… But that makes it seem more awkward!! Nooo… And now he/she’s past me. Great. …. Well, that went well. (End scene)

10. The lack of air conditioning at the Newman Desk. Jesus, I didn’t know we were in a greenhouse up here. It makes me miss my thundering air conditioning in my room that can be heard from Gardens B.

11. My ipod freezing. Ugh

12. Not having a cell phone charger. Double ugh.

13. 3OH!3. It was cool at first, but I’m officially sick.

14. “Birthday Sex”. Same as #13, except it was never cool.

15. Miley Cyrus. Same as #14, except everyone in the world agrees with me.

16. Rob Manning skyping people that aren’t abroad. AKA people who live in the building next to us.

17. Being tagged in a picture of BBQ snake ribs. Um, thanks...

18. The 16 oz beer bottles of Bud Light. Jeez why am I so tipsy, I only had 8 beers, I should be fine. Oh. Riiight.... Well good thing I ate something all day... Oh. Riiight...

19. Jimmy Fallon on Late Night. It just hit me how bad he is. Can they please just make it, Late Night with The Roots?

20. People still making the Kanye West interruption jokes. Jeez, like it wasn't even that funny the day after but now? I dunno I just think......... oh look!

"Excuse me. I'm real happy for your blog. And I'ma let you finish Romo. But Christina has one of the best blogs of all time. One of the best blogs of all time!"

.... um... but.. I ... um .... (cries, storms away from computer...)


  1. i like when you do this kind of stuff...
    (1) i also hate when people do not cover their mouths. everytime i touch something that lots of other ppl have touched that day-- say a door handle (I know hwere ur mind was going you sick and twisted freak)- I think oh shit-- SWINE. hahah and then hit up the next disinfectant station- which is always within five feet of me those things are everywhere
    (2) im sorry about your sucky schedule. if it makes u feel any better- I am in class from 9:25-4:30 straight on tuesday. no break at all. the last class is microbio lab and i get so mean in that lab haha because i am tired and hungry as hell by that point. the teacher probably things im crazy. I had visions of kicking the crap out of him more than once
    (3) still never been to the new primos
    (4) i pass. minus the phillies- but i do not think i have had a status about the phillies. only eagles and flyers. did i have a world series status about the phillies last year? i dunno. do u remember?
    (5) i like skype.
    (16) rob manning is a stunod.
    (19) i think jimmy fallon is mucho good looking and he should stay on late night.
    (20) like the mj funeral joke? thats the only one i have heard thus far.

    who said : "Excuse me. I'm real happy for your blog. And I'ma let you finish Romo. But Christina has one of the best blogs of all time. One of the best blogs of all time!"??

    because whoever they are i love them. and i think it was andrew who said it because who calls me christina other than him? anyway- that made me smile/laugh/happy. bye!

  2. robert manning just informed me that you made that comment was made by you to demonstrate the kanye west thing haha i thought either (a) someone just said it (b) someone said it and u were using it as an example about the kanye thing or (c) you were just being a nice person but (d) im retarded

  3. regardless it made me smile/laugh anyways. yes, this is my 3rd comment on one single post.
