Friday, August 14, 2009

Best Music Videos #20-16

One of the things that I procrastinate with is this website called youtube. Perhaps you've heard of it, maybe through a friend. The thing i use it the most for is watching music videos.

"What makes a good music video?" you ask, in my fictional dialogue between the two of us. Well, i'll tell you.

The three things that I feel make up a good music video are: the quality of the visuals standing alone, how the visuals relate to the song, and the overall enjoyability (not a word! hehehe) of the video.

So, after an extensive process of debating amongst...myself... I've managed to come up with, what i feel, are the best 20 music videos. I hope you enjoy.

(Note: the actual song does not factor too drastically into how I would rate a music video. For example, Madonna's Like A Prayer is a really good video, even though I don't listen to that song. However, it's obviously less likely that i've seen the video if its for a type of music that i don't like. Hell, the Jonas Brothers could have the video of the millenium for all I know...

Also, I'm only annoucing these 5 at a time, in hopes that you'll actually watch each of these videos. Each one is a really fine work of short film brilliance and fits their respective song tremendously.)

Here we go!

20. The most recent video on the list, this video took all the other procrastination devices on youtube and put them into one video...

19. Ah the days of the songs before the parade...

18. The most excercise I get on a daily basis...

17. This video still gives me chills, and i love it. Also helps me remember how good his songs used to be.

16. Critics say that Everlong is their best video....... Its got nothing on this

15-11 coming soon!!!!

1 comment:

  1. great call on stan. his other videos (and songs for that matter) were fun while they were new but got old. Stan stays good no matter what
