Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rapid Fire: Things On My Mind 8/6

I feel like all of you feel that you should be feelin what I’m feelin on some of the most recent topics. Due to the economy, I can only write one or two lines about how I feel about each issue. Thus, here’s a rapid fire edition of Things on My Mind:

1. The Cliff Lee trade: It’s definitely the smartest move the Phils could have made. No need to give up Happ and Drabek for a horse.

2. Not getting Halladay: He’s great and all, but I still don’t think it’s smart to give up Drabek

3. Funny People: Adam Sandler’s best film in a long time, and shows that Apatow doesn’t just grind the same formula into every movie

4. Serving mornings: It’s nice not to be in the kitchen, but honestly, making like, what 25 bucks on average? I’d rather just sleep in…

5. Pearl Jam – The Fixer: Very cool track, and pretty catchy. Lyrics written by their drummer so they’re not too impressive but they are still cool.

6. The amount of Yankee shirts that Klein has: Well, the amount of Phillies shirts I own is steadily increasing… I think at a higher rate too. I got three in the span of a week during the All-Star game so if I keep that average up, I’ll have one for every Phillie that ever played by 2011.

7. Panic at the Disco losing 2 members: Hahahahhaha like I actually am going to waste your time…

8. Me saying that I won’t waste your time, even though I have possibly the worst blog since Rob Manning’s “You Know What Really Grinds My Gears”: Umm, ok… you win.

9. The ‘stache: Yes, I still have it. No, you can’t touch it… unless you ask nicely. No, if you’re one of the people who read this blog, no mustache ride for you…


  1. im glad you thought funny people was good- ive been hearing mixed reviews but i want to see it anyways. that and julie and julia, 500 days of summer, the orphan, and whatever works. day at the theater is in order i guess. how come whenever i am on the boardwalk you are not working? i think you are avoiding me. robert manning has a blog? whattttt. im shaving your 'stache upon arrival at loyola.

  2. when are you ever on the boardwalk?
    and no you're not

  3. i am on the boardwalk to either (a) go to bashful banana (b) get bulk candy from steels fudge haha or (c) see a movie or (d) run. ive texted you when i was on the boards before and you were no present. but i guess i am over exaggerating this haha
